Since our successful show in the summer of 2015, one of the charities we have donated money to this year is the Guide Dogs for the Blind. We decided to sponsor two puppies called Yazmin and Ava.
Meet AVA

My biog...
Breed: Labradoodle
Dad: Pringle
Mum: Jodie
I am half-Canadian and I have been described as an ‘outgoing puppy.’ My favourite thing to do is to jump around and play—especially when the sun is out. I am full of excitement and I love meeting new people. As I am a labradoodle, I am perfect for a blind or partially sighted person who has allergies to dogs, as I am hypoallergenic!

Breed: Golden retriever cross Labrador
Dad: Yogi
Mum: Jasmine
I love nothing more than to play on the slide and lay on the grass. I am a warm and kind puppy and I enjoy running around with my brothers and sisters. I am so excited to begin my adventure to become a guide dog. Every hour another person in the UK goes blind so that is why it is so important for puppies like me to train to become guide dogs.
Our sponsored dogs are already in training to transform the lives of blind or partially sighted people. Over the next few months (and years) we will provide updates on our gorgeous dogs are progressing.
As you can see from the video links, our puppies have already grown considerably and we look forward to seeing them grow into their roles.
Ava and Yazmin a little grown up...

The Reigate School of Ballet and Commercial Dance, along with RSB Dance, have always given generously to local and national charities over the years - some of the money spent can be seen on plaques on playground equipment in both Reigate Priory and Meadvale Parks. Other charities over the years have been The Children's Trust, cancer research and other medical charities.
videos of our dogs (directly from the GUIDE DOGS):
The school is proud of it's charitable history and we hope to continue serving the community for many years to come.