A fifty strong dance crew from the Reigate School of Ballet & Commercial Dance performed a mature and vividly exciting piece at the Royal Albert Hall this year. With a mix of ballet, contemporary and street dance, our dancers really showed their class.
Miss Evans mentioned "...we made the most of performing in the round, as you don't get this opportunity in most theatres. We make sure that the Royal Albert Hall is one of the highlights on our performing calendar, and by performing bi-annually the children really appreciate it even more when if comes around again. Four pieces were merged together, fitting the keys of each song so that they flowed effortlessly. The four pieces gave our dancers a wide range of dance styles to learn, making the piece a showcase of the versatility of our performers - we were very proud of them all.

For many, this was their third and final time to perform as they will be continuing on to colleges this year or in the summer of next year, while for some it was their first ever time. For our younger ones (some aged 10), they really absorbed the atmosphere of the arena and were extremely professional in how they handled themselves. For the older ones, they loved it as much as previous years.
From the teachers, they were extremely proud of their performance, and there was no shortage of parental cheering in the auditorium. You were all fabulous and the memories gained from performing in a worldwide performance venue will be with them forever.
